Transitioning from fast to ultrafast charging stations for electric vehicles: Insights into charging behavior, grid load, and upgrade costs


Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 3:00pm to 4:00pm


Pierce Hall 100F, 29 Oxford Street, Cambridge

A Harvard-China Project Research Seminar with Yang Zhao, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard-China Project

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Abstract: Ultrafast charging for electric vehicles (EVs) could offer a solution for drivers requiring high travel flexibility and raise the prospect of swift replacement of conventional gasoline/diesel vehicles. Yet, serious concerns exist regarding the impact on the power grid and the solutions to adopt when power distribution networks cannot provide adequate capacity. In this presentation, Dr. Yang Zhao will show first the real-world charging patterns and station loads of several representative fast-charging stations in China. The simulations for the increase in charging power in conjunction with real-world EV charging patterns are used to quantify the impact of future ultrafast charging station loads. The results indicate that the marginal increase in station loads is not as significant as the increase in EV charging power. Generalized solutions for charging stations to address insufficient total power capacity are studied including dynamic waiting strategies and use of energy storage. Lastly, the primary device costs of different charging station upgrade strategies are discussed.

Speaker Bio: Yang Zhao received his Ph.D. from Beijing Institute of Technology and was a visiting Ph.D. student at University of California at Berkeley. He has worked on the assessment of electric vehicle operating behavior and energy use patterns. He is currently studying how electrified fleets will impact future road transportation and how we can use new energy vehicles to decarbonize energy systems. He is also investigating the development and plans of charging infrastructure in the US and China, as now is the critical time to develop infrastructure for carbon-neutral targets. 

Sponsored by Harvard-China Project, Harvard Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.